Reward Your Customers with Our Cloud-Based Loyalty Program

Turning everyday guests into repeat customers is a top priority for many restaurant owners in today’s industry. The myFocus loyalty program offered by ERC is a feature-rich solution that streamlines customer management to not only enhance the customer experience but grow your business. Show your customers how much they mean to you with different loyalty plan options, levels, and redeemable rewards.

Our cloud-based restaurant customer loyalty program comes equipped with all the tools and features you need to keep your customers coming back, including promotional coupons, email marketing lists, SMS text messaging, multistore processing, and cloud storage.

It’s time to ditch the paper punch cards and try a cloud-based program designed just for your restaurant business. myFocus loyalty makes it easier than ever to stay engaged with your customers, market more effectively, and grow your profits.

people at a table

Demo myFocus Solutions

Click here to demo ERC’s myFocus Loyalty Program, or to log into your myFocus account.

Restaurant Customer Loyalty Program Business Benefits

Connect With Your Customers

Turn your customers into regulars with our restaurant customer loyalty program. Reward them for their business and send them personalized promotions to stay engaged with your restaurant guests no matter where they are. myFocus Loyalty keeps your business easy to connect with and hard to forget.

Monitor Trends and Behavior

Our program provides restaurants greater visibility into their customer base, giving you more insight into the trends, behaviors, and characteristics of your patrons. This allows you to operate and market more strategically, making your customers and your wallet happy.

Make More Money

Acquiring a new customer can be up to seven times more expensive than retaining an existing customer. When looking to grow your restaurant, think smarter not harder. When customers feel appreciated and rewarded for their business, they will spend more money, more often.

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myFocus Loyalty Features

With myFocus Loyalty, restaurants have a variety of customer loyalty rewards plans at their fingertips, giving you the option to test out various programs until you find one that best suits your business and your customers.

Our Loyalty Plans Include:

  • Points-based: Assign a points value to every menu item, so customers can collect points for their purchases, then use them to trade in for a reward when they hit a certain milestone. Restaurants can run special promotions where certain dishes are additional points to try and boost item sales.
  • Sales-based: This option is similar to points based, but is based on exact dollar amounts per sale. For every $1 that’s spent, 1 point is earned. Reward your big spenders, and incentivize customers to spend a little more on each visit.
  • “Around the World”: In this loyalty program, variety is key. Customers earn points based on the amount of different items they buy and try. Great for restaurants who want their customers to try more of their menu items.
  • Incremental: This program is used to assign customers into tier reward levels, such as bronze, silver, and gold. Customers can hit the next rank based on the number of dollars spent or amount of visits to your establishments.

Additional myFocus Loyalty Features:

  • Customer app
  • Text message blasts
  • Marketing list generation
  • myFocus cloud storage
  • Multistore processing
  • Social media integration
  • Unlimited plans
  • Promotional coupons

myFocus Cloud Brochure

Learn how myFocus Cloud could benefit your restaurant.